It feels like Christmas! This is my first solo show in twelve years!!!…And the ONLY solo show of my work for 2012…AND…introduces some fabulous new figurative work that incorporates 22k gold and silver. Can you see me grinning from where you are? I’m very excited. There are secret pieces in this show from my own private collection and brand new works which I have to say are the best work that I have ever completed….and YOU ARE INVITED!!!

Creating work for a solo show is a lot of work, and it takes a lot of folks a lot of time and effort to see it to fruition. I have to first thank my family (Kevin, Jacob, Benjamin and Grace) who have suffered through the long days and the cranky times when paintings wouldn’t dry or behave as I wish they would. Thanks always to my mom and dad who are great anchors for me when all that self-doubt creeps in. Thanks to my close friends who know the fine balance of staying away and checking in on me these past six weeks to ensure I wasn’t pulling a Vincent and cutting off an ear… or something more important.
A big thanks to Karen and the staff at Bluerock for having the faith and vision to allow me the freedom to plan and create. Thanks also to all the fine folks at Gibson Fine Art and Effusion Art Gallery who have also supported this show and been very patient with me as I concentrated my efforts and launched a new body of work. I am ever grateful for your professionalism and support. Thank you, Patti, Heather and Daryl. I am so pleased to work with you all.
At the end of the day, and at the risk of repeating myself over and over…..it’s about the process – the journey.
I’d love it if you’d join me at the artist’s reception on Saturday, August 4th and help our extended family to celebrate the work that has been done. We will be in the company of the wonderful Karen Gimbel and Chris Weingarth at Bluerock Gallery in Black Diamond, Alberta. from 3:00 – 7:00 p.m, Saturday, August 4th.
This is a very personal show…please come help us celebrate the achievement!