On the Easel – The First Red Canoes of 2011!

Red Canoe Underpainting by Janice Tanton
Red Canoe #10 - Underpainting. ©2011 Janice Tanton. 36"x72"

Spring is in the air! I can smell it this morning, and this makes me happy. This has been a busy week, and I have some good clients who have long been waiting for me to deliver a couple of new paintings in the Red Canoe Series. Betwixt and between neck and arm injuries, a family vacation and a bout of pneumonia, time spent at the easel has been short since the beginning of the year. This week, I’ve been able to tackle a couple of underpaintings for these two large pieces, and hopefully I’ll be able to complete them by the end of next week. There. I’ve said it, now y’all will have to hold me to it!

A big thanks to Sue and Tammy at Rocky Mountain Rehab (once again), in Canmore, AB for putting me back together so I can get some of these monsters done for my ever-patient galleries and their clients, and work through the pain. I have to believe that the most frustrating things for an artist is not physically being able to paint and say what one needs to. It’s like not being able to breathe for me.

Red Canoe Series underpainting by Janice Tanton
Red Canoe Series - #11. Underpainting ©2011 Janice Tanton. 48"x60"

The good side of being “banned” from the easel while your body rests, it is that a lot of office work has been getting done. A special thanks to my new Executive Studio Assistant, Jacob Posacki, we are moving in the right direction. Keeping it “all in the family”, I can’t tell you how pleased I am that my son has joined me in the business. More on this fine fellow in another post.

Go well, friends.

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