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"Finding My Marbles" ©2019 Janice Tanton. Oil on linen, 48"x48"

Am I Losing My Marbles?

How To Cope With COVID 19. Learn to Draw.

"Finding My Marbles" ©2019 Janice Tanton. Oil on linen, 48"x48"

Right….the world has turned on it’s head, and everyone is scrambling to stay safe from COVID 19, but now they’re also struggling with what to do when you’re home and unable to go out and socialize with others.


I’ve been practicing physical and social-distancing as an artist for probably about 40 years. As an introvert and a cancer-survivor, I know what it’s like to be isolated. Sometimes it’s out of preference, and sometimes it’s just for your own good health!

This time around, I’m seeing massive panic on a global scale –

  • “What do I do with my kids at home.”
  • “How am I going to make ends meet.”
  • “How am I going to stay safe and healthy?”
  • “How is this all going to turn out?”

These are just some of the questions that folks have and in some cases, we really don’t know how it’s all going to turn out, and we can’t plan for it!

Living in the moment is one way to do that, and part of the way that I know how to live in the moment, is to draw.


“Right…draw you say. Draw? I can’t draw. I don’t know how to draw. I’m scared. I can’t draw a straight line. I can’t draw a stickman.”

I’ve heard them all, but I do have a fear-free, no-judgement, RELAXING solution for you.

  • Draw.
  • Learn to Draw.
  • Doodle.
  • Draw.
  • Draw Some More.
  • Learn how to Draw a little more.
  • Draw.

Okay…I know you’re smart. You get the gist. Here’s the pitch…

I’m willing to offer FREE drawing classes for you.

Something that you will love (I promise).

Something that you will have fun at.

Something that you can control and learn about yourself at the same time.


I’m definitely losing my marbles, trying to figure out how to deliver an ‘in-person’ course (Drawn To Nature) that I usually do at the Banff Centre as Teaching Artist In Residence…but that’s all gone now, including the pay that goes along with it and sustains our family.

The thing is…I believe in this program so much, that I am willing to offer it for free. I’ve seen it transform people – just in one hour!

All you need to do is help ME from losing my marbles. I haven’t worked for a few months. My dear Dad passed away and really, there was no studio time for me to paint, ponder and stay balanced during his illness and the month afterwards, which is what is a pretty normal way for me to cope – putting it out on the canvas and getting it all out of my head. It’s been super stressful for me even BEFORE Covid-19 hit, so I feel like it’s been a training ground for the war we are now in. I miss him every moment of every day. I’m grieving. I hurt. I miss him. I’m feeling like there isn’t even TIME to grieve right now, but what I do know is that teaching people what I know and making it simple for them, is something that helps me.

What I’d like YOU to do is to join this class with me, and the big deal is – I need something from you in return.

I need you to do something nice for someone.
My Dad would like that. I would like that.

Not something that you would normally do in your life, but a serious act of random kindness, whatever that might be.

I need you to sign up for the drawing course, complete your extraordinary random act of kindness….and then I need you to wait a bit so I can catch up and get this content converted to an online course that anyone and everyone can do at any time, anywhere, and ANYWHERE on the planet.

I’m going to give you a ‘for instance’. Yesterday, I launched a quick video asking people to participate and I received the most amazing note from a 13 year old who is writing her own book and wants to learn how to illustrate the figures for it. She said that what she has done as her extraordinary act of kindness is to give up her room for her brother, who has lost his job and had to return to living at home. I cried. Seriously. That’s amazing. I’m so inspired, and still get a lump in my throat. I want to teach her everything I know. I want to share whatever I can with her and with you.

I promise to do my best in explaining to you how to draw and how drawing can become a meditation and contemplation space in your life, and how the outcomes will change your life, how you see things and how you think through what things actually are. Draw what you see instead of what you think you see….it’s a really good metaphor for life in times like this, and is a very grounding action.

So…here’s what you need to do:

Opt IN. Send me an email with your name and email.

That’s it. I’ll keep you updated and sign you up for the classes. At this point, I’m trying to get a few courses online – some things for the kids to do; something for YOU to do and something for the shut-ins and seniors in your life to do.

I’ll be launching as fast as I can…..while my marbles spill out all over my studio floor.

Lastly? I love you.

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