Artists – Never Apologize!

I was going to start this post by saying I’m sorry that I haven’t posted anything since last week – then I remembered :

Never Apologize

Underpainting work in progress for CAMP project by Janice Tanton
Work In Progress - CAMP

It may sound arrogant, but in fact – I started thinking about WHY I was going to start out by saying I was sorry that I didn’t write anything, and it’s not arrogant at all in this case. I’ve been dangerously busy!


  • I’ve been painting, and I NEVER apologize for that. (Today, I finished 4 – 30×30 under paintings.)
  • I have been spending time with my family, and I NEVER apologize for that.
  • I have old friends visiting from Ontario, and I’m NEVER apologizing for that.
  • I have been hit with a ridiculous assessment by the CRA that is eating me up from the inside out and taking a ridiculous amount of time, and I’m sure as heck am NEVER apologizing for that. (Ask Harper for one instead. He should be apologizing to a whole nation many times over.)

I’m not “sorry” for any of these things. I’m getting better at realizing I can’t do everything for everyone and priorities are exactly that – priorities. In this order:

  • Health
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Art
  • ….the rest of life.

My hope for this, dear artist reader, is that you learn this lesson quicker and faster than I have….and that you::

NEVER apologize… for all the right reasons.


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Allison Bratt

    Yes! This year I have been working on not saying ‘I’m sorry.’ I started apologizing for the weather! Something I couldn’t even control. Thanks for this reminder! (P.S. Awesome job on the 4 paintings!)

    1. Janice Tanton

      Thanks Allison…I’m going to make it an UNEVEN FIVE for today. Got one more done betwixt and between.

    1. Janice Tanton

      So glad you liked that! Let’s just get a Hallelujah on it too while we’re at it!. 😀

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