High Cookery!
Christmas cooking at the Tanton Household with 11 family members for an extended stay.
Christmas cooking at the Tanton Household with 11 family members for an extended stay.
Tanton retires from The Banff Centre and returns full, full time to the studio as a Full Full Time Human Being. :)
Past midnight musings under a one in a 400 year lunar eclipse at winter solstice. A time of great change.
Grace on id'ing her grandparents at a busy airport.
Gas prices irk me on holidays. Down with the oil companies! Supply/demand, my foot. I vote for a socialist energy board.
The eclipse....who was watching this where I sit, 400 years ago? My ancestors.
Grace on temperature extremes.
Who is behind the Grace Quote of The Day? Our gregarious 6 year old, free spirited daughter.