How to keep inspired as an artist.
The cycle of inspiration needs to be fed. Agnes Martin is right. "Inspiration is the beginning, the middle and the end."
The cycle of inspiration needs to be fed. Agnes Martin is right. "Inspiration is the beginning, the middle and the end."
Watch this time-lapse video by Canadian Artist Janice Tanton make a little butterfly come alive. This is how paintings are born.
Timelapse of a 9 hour period of painting by Janice Tanton.
What I am asking this. At your leisure, have a conversation with a stranger - someone you may bump into on the street, in the grocery store, anyone that you don't know. Be forward - ask them...How are you? Really?
Who knew it? Today has been declared International Artist Day. A big thanks to Alyson Stanfield for posting on this and letting me know - I've been so busy painting…
This is the MOST inspirational talk I've ever seen for creatives...or anyone interested in becoming a full time human being.
Art can cause us to think - to make connections between things that we would not necessarily connect but yet upon discovering them, seem to be totally obvious. The beauty of art like this lies in it's ability for us to change our perspective and perceptions of the world around us - to imagine the seemingly unimaginable and to make change where change is required. Good art holds a mirror up to ourselves and shows us our backsides....what we normally cannot see, or do not want to see! This IS...a beautiful thing, if only we take the time to look.
The beauty of art to me, is it's many faces. Emotional. Engaging. Beautiful. Brilliant. Intentful. Intelligent. Interactive. Contemporary. Contextual. Controversial. Conversational. Historical. Political. Discuss...
What a lovely day to begin spring plain air painting. Here was my setup this afternoon in Kananaskis.