The Show Must Go On :: When Health and a Busy Art Career Collide

After being diagnosed with breast cancer just before Christmas, we've had a roller coaster of emotion and action in the household, combining doctor's visits, show openings, Leighton Colony residencies, tests and surgery. As the saying goes....the show must go on, and it did....on all fronts.

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Warrior Boobs – ON!!! I have Breast Cancer. Now WHY Can’t I Get A Surgeon’s Appointment & Some Timely Care?

It's New Year's Eve day, and I should be reflecting on my past year, reviewing the accomplishments and events, inspiring others to rally and focus their talents, supporting the Fab Four and #IdleNoMore, round-dancing at a local mall, getting big canvasses moved into a Leighton Colony Residency at The Banff Centre, prepping for the Gwaii Haanas exhibition in February and being excited about CAMP, my first solo show at a public gallery.....but I can't. I have to focus on me and fight the battle of my life and advocate HARD through a government system.

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Janice Tanton and Moresby Explorers – 7 Day Power Painting Journey in Gwaii Haanas National Park & Haida Heritage Site

7 Days painting with Janice Tanton and Moresby Explorers in Gwaii Haanas National Park. June 3 - 9th, 2013. Only 8 spaces for this once in a lifetime experience in the "Galapagos of the North". Join this experienced crew in an artistic exploration like no other.

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