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"Pressure's On!" ©2019 Janice Tanton. 11x15, graphite on Arches 140 lb hot press.

Polo Series

How do you decide to choose a new subject matter when you embark on a new painting or drawing? Do you draw what you love, or what you are most curious about?

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2015 – A New Year, New Outlook and New Works

I'm now feeling like I'm finally back on the horse. 2015 is looking like a brand new horizon and to ring in the new year, I've been back in the studio almost working full time. It's a great feeling to finally have some control back in my arm and painting hand, and I have more paintings in my head than I could possibly paint in four lifetimes.

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Prolific? Perfection? :: What does that mean for artists?

I admit being a workaholic. The creation of images fascinates me and borders on obsession. What does it mean to produce really great work, in a prolific manner? I think the answer to that lies in a concentrated residency period that allows experimentation. Quantifiable data can help flesh out part of the picture, but not all of it. Here was my short experience at The Banff Centre.

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Thumbnail Sketching – Play Before You Plan!

When I came back from Gwaii Haanas National Park in June, my head was filled with so many images, experiences and thoughts that I needed some time to sort through them before picking up a paintbrush. I'm still going through that, with over 5000 photographs, a full sketchbook, sound files and video. One of the things I'm starting to do now is to thumbnail sketch out in "storyboard" form, my trip through the park itself which took 5 days. I'm looking at every photograph, recalling the experience and picking a few moments that interest me. One of the greatest tools any artist can use is the thumbnail to do this, and it's a great tool that I learned way back in my college days as a graphic designer.

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