The Red Canoes – Sacred & Modern…

red canoe # 16 by Janice Tanton
Red Canoe #16 - Undercurrents :: The Lake ©2011 Janice Tanton. 40x72 oil on linen

I’ve just spent the day finishing off a large piece that has been sitting on my easel since last week. Having more than a few things on the go in the past month, it’s been difficult to squeeze time out of my schedule to paint.

Harsh, for an artist whose soul is fed when paintbrush is in hand.

Work In Progress - What's In A Name Series:: "Daughter of..." #1 ©2011 Janice Tanton. Oil on Linen. 30x30

For the past two days, I’ve been feeding my soul, getting ready for the Sacred/Modern show coming up at Elevation Gallery and also finishing off a few pieces that are in the studio. The canoe above, being one of them…and the portrait at the right of Standing Holy, daughter of Sitting Bull, another.

The Undercurrents Series has been occupying a good deal of my studio time in the past year, and I am very pleased with the newest addition to the collection. Canoes are pretty sacred to me. All lovely while we begin to prepare for our wedding which will also be held during the show, in the art gallery. How fitting for our family to say our vows amidst such beauty by all of the gallery artists.

As summer approaches, I’ve been out tire-kicking …or “paddle-kicking”…..for a new red canoe of our own. For now, since it’s still pretty cold in the mountains and the rivers are high…. I’ll be content to craft them with a brush, one by one….in my studio, remembering fondly the warm lakes of the east that wait for us.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Vanessa

    WOW! I can only imagine what the canoe looks like in person at it’s actual size. Good luck in the show Janice, I’m sure your works will be beyond captivating!

    1. Janice Tanton

      Thanks Vanessa. I have this fantasy of painting one that’s over 20 feet long….something about that red and those lyrical design lines of the perfect canoe!

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