2015 – A New Year, New Outlook and New Works

I'm now feeling like I'm finally back on the horse. 2015 is looking like a brand new horizon and to ring in the new year, I've been back in the studio almost working full time. It's a great feeling to finally have some control back in my arm and painting hand, and I have more paintings in my head than I could possibly paint in four lifetimes.

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Rock the Boat! One Artist’s Experience in Haida Gwaii

One year ago today, I left Canmore for Haida Gwaii and a life-changing artist's residency at Gwaii Haanas National Park. In a month's time, I learned more than I could absorb, met new family and friends, saw, touched, smelled and heard things that were literally Super-Natural and was inspired and welcomed with open arms by the Haida Nation and the islanders.

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Gwaii Haanas – The Need for a New Line at Lyell

Visiting this place was a great inspiration for me. I would say it was one of the most stirring and inspiring moments of my visit, and I am grateful that the Haida Nation, these Elders and members stood so firmly to protect this place. We should do the same now, as the Northern Gateway Pipeline Project by Enbridge threatens once again, this magnificent culture and ecosystem. Stand up and speak out about the effects that this pipeline will have on habitat, culture and the ecology of our planet. Write your MP and the official opposition. Make yourself heard...and be part of the new "Line".

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Press Release :: Janice Tanton Bound for Haida Gwaii – Gwaii Haanas National Park Artist in Residence 2012

I'm going to be an Artist in Residence at Gwaii Haanas! Artists in Gwaii Haanas is a collaborative effort between Gwaii Haanas National Park, the Haida Gwaii Museum, and the Haida Nation. For 10 days in June, three artists (two artist residents of Haida Gwaii and one visiting artist) will be guided by a Parks Canada staff member into remote areas of Gwaii Haanas National Park.

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