Janice Tanton’s “5 Daily Gratitudes – Facebook, Twitter or Blog Challenge”

I'm issuing a challenge for you to join me on Facebook, Twitter or the Full Time Human Being blog. Can you write 5 things you're grateful for every day? Collaboratively, we can count all the little miracles in our lives. Sharing ...is caring.

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9 Tips for Artists to Reduce the Time Spent On Social Media

If you're like most artists I know who have done well at engaging in social media, you're asking yourself the question, "How do I limit the time I spend there, and get back into the studio where I belong?" Here are 9 steps that I use to maximize my time at the easel and not on the computer.

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The Politics of Creativity (& Education)…Part One

Take up a voice in championing the arts in education at the K-12 levels, or the arts funding cuts will continue to occur. In the end, our society will suffer because we have failed to impart critical thinking skills necessary to solve the complex problems of our society or to provide alternative education methods. Our systems have let us down. At the end of the day, it falls upon wise parents to impart not only art skills to the best of their ability, but most importantly, the critical thinking processes involved when creating in the arts: brain skills that everyone requires.

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