PRESS RELEASE :: ‘Undercurrents’ Debuts at The Whyte Museum, Banff, AB CANADA

Undercurrents' is the first in a series of large-scale works by contemporary painter Janice Iniskimaki Tanton that explore our contemporary Canadian identity/nationality and attachment to this great land.

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Undercurrents:: The Red Canoe Series

Tanton's Red Canoe Series is all about perfection, movement and change which forever surround us so it seems quite apropos that these are her first finished works for 2011. For thousands of years, the canoe has been the perfect model of perfect design, where form and function cannot be improved upon and relate directly to the intended use. Aboriginal people all across Canada and in other countries around the world, understood the value and intrinsic spirituality of this vessel. In it's original form, regionally refined, the canoe is the most perfect design in all respects. It allowed for survival and transportation in harsh conditions using indigenous natural materials in a sustainable way.

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