Watercolour Journal Workshop with Janice Tanton at The Banff Springs Hotel

I'd like to invite you to join me for a morning of fun and art that is personal to you. This simple technique of ink and watercolour will be something you can use all your life to create and record those moments of importance in your life. Throw away that Instagram and Facebook post for a quick sketch and some penned thoughts

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PRESS RELEASE – Unplugged :: An Artful, Wildly Patient Slow Feast with Julia Lynx and Janice Tanton

Enchant your inner artist in a sensuous slow feast with painter Janice Tanton, singer songwriter Julia Lynx and Chef George Bayne. Explore the role of art and music in your life with a special focus on healing and rejuvenation. A two-time Canada Council award recipient, Janice’s works are represented locally at Canada House Gallery in Banff. Julia will share some of her songs unplugged.

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Painting Techniques of the Old Masters | Fleming College |

Join Canadian Artist Janice Tanton for a one week oil painting course at the Haliburton School of Fine Arts in Haliburton, Ontario. Old Master's techniques, glazes and grounds will be covered, in an exciting lakeside environment in the beautiful Haliburton Highlands.

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