Fear and Acceptance – What It’s Like To Give A TEDx talk

Back in June, I gave a talk at TEDxCalgary entitled "The Language of the Creator". I felt very lucky to have the opportunity to share the story around The Community Fusion Project, language of the arts and relationships. My greatest intent around doing the talk was that it would have some impact on folks and inspired them to think differently about the arts, cross-cultural relationships, learning disabilities and humanity. In retrospect, a bit of a tall order I saddled myself with.

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Artists – Do You Teach Others How To Treat You?

For too long, artists, musicians, writers, dancers....ART folk...have been holding this Dirty Little Secret and "giving it up" in the name of promotion & exposure. Newbies and even experienced artists all buy into the Hollywood dream that "someone" might discover them, or a patron will emerge from the wings. I pick and choose my times to donate and I have a policy in my art business that guides me and enables me to say "no" to every request that comes through the door that does not fit within the policy guidelines. Do you?

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10 Stupid Ways & 10 Meaningful Ways To Measure Success As An Artist

YOU are the only one who can answer what success means for you. I'd challenge you to think about that and design your own yearly success measurement...and then celebrate the heck out of it! There are some pretty stupid measurements some artists use to measure their success. I offer up my metric system...

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5 Good Reasons To Quit Your Day Job and Be A Full Time Artist

Solstice 2011 - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME!! One year in the studio! One year ago, December 21st, 2010 marked the end of my work in an office and a return to the studio after a 10 year hiatus from full time studio work. (INSERT MANY LARGE CHEERS, SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS, CHAMPAGNE AND THE LIKE....HERE...and yes......you can send me gifts of money.) One year later, do I have any regrets? Hell no...except maybe for what's on my Hell List. Metaphorically, moving out of the dark and into the light with the change of seasons has made a huge difference to our family. There is a right time to make the move to studio work, and that time is always....NOW! Quit making excuses and BE an artist! Get out of that job, away from that oppressing boss of yours and get your fanny in gear.

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The Artist’s Kitchen : 5 Top Priorities for Life’s Studio

I try to make the kitchen a studio that acts as that same life catalyst forty years later for my family and my work. Not only do meals set the tone for the day, but they get all that "stuff" done and out of the way so that I can create, which literally feeds the cycle all over again. It's healthier. They usually involve the family helping out - choosing, making, prepping, etc. They carve out some time together not only in the making, but in the appreciation, the "sit down", the relationship building and the love that underpins it all. I have a few favourite recipes that are a hit, and I'd like to share them with you in hopes that your kitchen can become an artful extension of your Life Studio.

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Top 7 Things I Learned from the Calgary Arts Champion Congress & Ben Cameron

Last week, in the middle of a pivotal residency in my career, I took a day off to venture into Calgary to attend the Calgary Arts Champion Congress, connect with fellow artists in all disciplines and to hear keynote speaker Ben Cameron. (Ben heads the Doris Duke Foundation in the US and gave a very inspirational TEDx talk at YYC). What a cool opportunity!

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Off The Easel :: “Just Before The Storm”

This is the last image that our family saw as we were coming back from a trip to the Royal Tyrell Museum in Drumheller, AB in 2010. After this....we saw nothing but three feet of snow and sleet ahead of us on the road. An extreme freak storm in April claimed the lives of eight people in road accidents all around us. We were very lucky.

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